Thursday, June 12, 2008


Someone said that Duncans Picture was a little "last week" so I'm updating..

Well I can't say much has happened, I mean , I'm a stay at home mom. That consists of doing the same thing everyday and liking it. Not much happens at home, but the same thing over and over. Routine. But my babies are talking and that takes up a lot of room.

Friday, February 08, 2008


Oh Dieting, Dieting, I HATE dieting, but recently my mother and I have been trying to diet AGAIN. This time I've figured it out. I have been making weekly menus and shopping lists and all we have to do is stick to them and we are set. Something to look forward to, nothing to worry about, easy to do, I don't hate dieting so much anymore..and I just might make it this time..

Lets pray I make it ; )

If anyone out there wants help keeping their diet going I could always whip something together!