Friday, January 06, 2006

Well, I see I have to write some little tidbit in order for you to be slightly satisfied, although most of you I see more than you read these things!
You'd think I had a whole lot of things to write about now that I'm sitting around pregnant with nothing to do, hmm.. Let me think of something.

I am pregnant; that's exciting.
I'm having twins, one boy and one girl.
My husband and I can't settle on names; that's typical.
I'm actually 23 weeks today.
I feel stretched to my limit, I don't know when I'm hungry, because who knows which parts are full or empty anymore!
I dragged my husband to register at Target today. To help him get into it I let him hold the scanner; aren't I nice?
I feel them moving all the time now. OH and a lady in the lab at Group Health today held both of her hands to my stomach for 5 minutes while my husband got his blood drawn. I am amazed at the way people get when they see a pregnant person. What if I weren't pregnant! Not that I'm bothered by it at all, but strangers are a little more wierd than people I know.

So there, now you have something to read and laugh about. Maybe another day when I feel like talking again, I'll try to conjure up another blurb of tantalizing information.


Cora said...

Very good, Taryn!

I think you should blog more. It's fun to read your take on this pregnant adventure your on!

Looking forward to more!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your twins, how exciting!

kdoll aka *~Puzzle~* said...

My best friend just had a baby girl. And she told me the things just random strangers did or would say. It often made me laugh, because she's not a 'touchy feely' person. In other words you have to be a really good friend to give her a hug and make her not feel uncomfortable.

I've always wanted twins. God Bless!

Kim said...

How cute, Taryn! I can't wait to hear what else you have to say. :)